There is definitely no need to overcomplicate margin fishing, but it is worthwhile taking a few things into account to maximise your catches. Dutch-angler, Maurice Prijs talks you through his tactics: On a lot of commercials, you will be wasting your time trying to catch fish down the margin in… Read more

Dutch angler, Maurice Prijs has been using shallow tactics to catch F1’s and carp from Tom’s Creek in Holland. “According to the dictionary, ‘noise’ means a sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes a disturbance. Nothing can be further from the truth targeting F1s and carp… Read more
Maurice Prijs has been enjoying some excellent sport on Holland’s vast shipping canals this winter. Here’s his expert advice for targeting coldwater skimmers on the feeder. Catching skimmers on deep shipping canals in Holland can lead to a very enjoyable day’s winter fishing. The Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal can offer plenty of bites on even the coldest days of the… Read more
Maurice Prijs recently visited one of his local commercial fisheries in Holland to demonstrate some simple and very effective cold-water tactics. Find out how a modest bait menu and careful feeding can lead to a productive winter session. Articles >>