Two different venues and only a limited time to formulate a plan for both which made the fishing very challenging. A floating boom had to be installed into the venue to clear the weed Alan Scotthorne reflects on a challenging week… The canal at Novi Sad was probably the most… Read more
The Shropshire Union canal was the destination for the 15th qualifier of the year and will also be holding the final on the 19th of October. Robert Casterton with a net of Skimmers and Roach from the Shropshire Union canal Drennan Leicester duo Robert Casterton and Malcom Appleby recently travelled to the… Read more
The annual Turner 400 event attracts some of the best teams in England all competing to have their name on the trophy. A picturesque Radcot on the River Thames The annual Turner 400 was fished by 25 teams of 4 on the upper Thames between Radcot and Rushey. Winners of… Read more
Saturday saw the Division 1 National taking place on the Air and Calder and New Junction canal and with heavy rain leading up to the event and then bright sunshine on the day both canals were expected to fish hard Alan Scotthorne during the RAF teams of 4 match getting… Read more
This year the RAF team challenge saw 24 teams of 4 fish on the New Junction and Air and Calder canal Dan Varney prepped and ready for the all in With the up and coming Division 1 team national being held on the same venues, Drennan Oxford made the long… Read more
Although there wasn’t an abundance of fish there were still some lovely Irish roach caught I would like to be reporting on an emphatic win on the River Bann in Northern Ireland but instead we came a very disappointing 8th out of the seventeen teams that took part. We expected that… Read more