Section win for Drennan Oxford team member Ian Young on the recent Angling Trust Individual National Championship. “I drew in C section and had a nice bush on the far margin to fish towards, so I decided to set up two types of rigs. Squat rigs consisting of 4×10 and 4×12 floats… Read more
Fresh from helping Drennan Barnsley Blacks clinch a long-awaited World Club Championship title in France, Alan Scotthorne revealed the role which the humble pinkie played in their success on a bloodworm and joker-dominated canal. “Roach were the key to our success. We fed joker in a groundbait and dark soil… Read more
The talented Drennan North West squad, skippered by Steve Conroy, are gunning for Division One National glory on the Shropshire Union Canal. Drennan North West last won the coveted title back in 2006, but Steve reckons they can repeat the feat – providing the draw bag is kind on Saturday,… Read more
The fifth round of the Oxford Summer League was fished by 7 teams of 6 on the Thames at Sandford and Appleford reach. After recent matches where the roach have shown in vast numbers, they proved hard to catch, especially on the Appleford reach where a lot of anglers struggled… Read more
In-form Drennan Bordon teamster Anthony Flint racked up back-to-back weekend match wins at Kent’s Monk Lakes complex. Despite incurring a 16lb weight deduction after going overweight in one of his keepnets during Saturday’s Open, Anthony’s 280lb total comprising of carp to 7lb and big F1s from peg 73 on Lake… Read more
The fourth round of the Oxford Summer League was fished by 7 teams of 6 on the Thames at Sandford and Culham. With a little bit of flow and overcast conditions, the roach were on the feed, with double figures of roach caught in every section. 1st: Steve Harwood (Drennan Oxford… Read more