World pairs with my partner Steve Fleming. World pairs day 1 drawn Kiladeas peg 8 had some big Hybrids and a few roach for 14.5kg quit happy with that from that peg!! Flemo was the wrong end of his section and had 5kg. All still to play for. World pairs… Read more
Category: Ireland
Alan Scotthorne reports back from a disappointing European Championships

Although there wasn’t an abundance of fish there were still some lovely Irish roach caught I would like to be reporting on an emphatic win on the River Bann in Northern Ireland but instead we came a very disappointing 8th out of the seventeen teams that took part. We expected that… Read more
Steve Hemingray Reports on his trip to Ireland

Steve Hemingray has just returned from two successful fishing weeks in Ireland here is his report: The first week was the four-day Belturbet Festival, fished on four different lakes in rotation decided on overall weight. The event would be mainly pole fishing with some feeder fishing thrown in. Over the four… Read more
Dean Barlow – FeederFest, Inniscarra Lake

Feeder ace Dean Barlow reflects on FeederFest held on Inniscarra Lake in Ireland. It was back to one of my favourite venues on the 23rd October, Inniscarra lake in Coachford Co. Cork Ireland for the 2nd Feederfest. Last year I managed 3rd place so was hoping for another good performance. The festival is… Read more
2017 Southern Classic Festival – Baz Bright

Drennan RAF’s Baz Bright reports from the five-day festival in Ireland; This friendly festival sees anglers from all over the UK and Europe come to compete. A 5-day festival with daily payouts for 1st-3rd in section, top 10 overall, and biggest fish/weight, there was certainly plenty to fish for. The… Read more
Success In Ireland For Dean Barlow

Dean Barlow and Drennan North West’s, Steve Fleming recently headed for Ireland to take part in the annual World Pairs Competition, but our first stop was the Feedermasters qualifier at Lough Muckno, which was the last qualifier before the final at the end of September. First up was the Feedermasters qualifier… Read more