It seems that the tench have really started to wake up, as Kevin Durman found in spectacular style after landing eight fish topped by this 11lb 4oz specimen. Targetting a Medway Valley Gravel pit, Kevin caught several tench over two mornings with lobworms fished on a worm kebab being his… Read more
Author: Richard Taylor
Dean Macey 16lb 8oz Bream
In a hectic 24-hour session, Dean Macey made the most of a swim packed with fish and landed two bream of 16lb 8oz, plus one of 12lb 8oz. The former decathlete had a small window of opportunity and headed to a stillwater where he fished two spots: one long, for… Read more
Tom Lane 10lb 10oz Tench
It’s been a slow start to the season on the tench front, with many believing that’s down to the cold spring we’ve endured. But with the weather finally improving the species appears to be waking up, as Tom Lane found in style with this 10lb 10oz tench. He was fishing… Read more
Matt Jackson 18lb 4oz Bream
A few years ago, Matt Jackson used to fish a southern pit for bream, where he’d regularly catch fish around the double-figure mark. Recently, he was told that.. although there weren’t many left, those still hanging around were big. So Matt decided to give the water another go and, on… Read more
Matthew Clayton 18lb 14oz Bream
There has been loads of big bream reported this spring, with the vast majority falling to helicopter rigs. You can’t deny the effectiveness of these set-ups, but Matthew Clayton is a massive fan of fishing a Method feeder when possible and it this mammoth 18lb 14oz bream shows exactly why!… Read more
Ed Matthews 3lb 2oz Roach
Location is everything in specimen fishing, as Ed Matthews highlighted when he recently landed this 3lb 2oz roach. He was fishing at Sutton Lake, Shropshire, and had started the day in a swim that had been in good form. However, after blanking for an hour and a half, he saw… Read more