Andrew Bartle Nonchalantly Lands a Tench!

Andrew Bartle nonchalantly lands a Tench

This excellent action photo shows Drennan’s Yorkshire & North-East Sales Agent Andrew Bartle nonchalantly landing a Tench on an Oxfordshire gravel pit, aided by willing netsman Ian Brooker.  Ian has possibly ‘reached’ a fraction too early, causing the Tench to lunge away one last time – boiling on the surface and wrenching the rod tip down.  This can be a dangerous point in the fight, when unforgiving set-ups often result in infuriating hook pulls.  Andrew looks characteristically unflustered by the whole situation!

Andrew is seen using a Drennan Compact Tench Float 13ft rod, having been fishing for Tench at close range, near the bottom of the marginal shelf with simple float fishing tactics.  As well as having a stepped-up float rod action to handle big tench in demanding situations, the rod is really convenient to use as it is designed to be transported ‘made-up’ in its tailored and padded rod sleeve. 
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