Aaron Marguet 3lb 1oz Rudd

There are few things in fishing that gets the heart racing, like watching a big fish edge closer to your hookbait, just as Aaron Marguet experienced when he watched this 3lb 1oz rudd inhale his float fished boilie!
He’d dropped onto a gravel pit and managed to locate a small shoal of big rudd. With his float rod in the car, he ran back and grabbed some kit. Using his favoured crab and cray boilies, he fed squashed baits. It wasn’t long before a few good fish started showing interest.
Tackling up with a small crystal dibber pole float set 14 inches deep, Aaron overcast and edged his float back towards the shoal’s largest member.

When it took his hookbait, Aaron had struck and hooked the fish before his float had so much as twitched!

Well done Aaron!