A Young Match Angler to Watch Out For! (By Stu Conroy)

Warning Match Anglers! This is Kristian Jones – one to watch out for in the future Drennan Team England International Stu Conroy tell us…

Kristian is just 13 years old and is a very talented angler that pushed Stuart very close for the section win at Brookside Fishery

Kristian is just 13 years old and is a very talented angler that pushed Stuart very close for the section win at Brookside Fishery last week!  Kristian fishes under the “Club Korum Woodlands view” banner and is pictured here with his 27lb 10oz catch taken on maggots across and down the track – on only his second visit to the venue.

This followed an open win on Saturday at his local Lingmere fishery with a fabulous 68lb, where he’d beaten many high-class anglers including venue regular Steve Openshaw (who finished 2nd).   Well done Kristian!

Drennan Silverfish Maggot hooks are a superb choice when you require a barbless, purpose designed maggot hook.

For full details on Brookside Fishery in Cheshire click here.