Gary Thompson 32lb 4oz Pike

The rivers of southern England have been in great pike form so far this season, but Gary Thompson has just landed a fish that tops all the fish reported. Whilst fishing the Dorset Stour, the 44-year-old Bournemouth rod landed this huge 32lb 4oz specimen, a fish he describes as his ‘dream pike’.
It was caught from an area he’s been lightly pre-baiting over the winter months with chopped sea fish. On his successful session, he’d landed a few jacks throughout the afternoon but was really waiting until the first hour after dusk for a big fish.

At 17:30, he landed another small fish, but minutes after recasting he hooked what he knew right away was something substantial. It held slow and deep during the fight, and once in the net, Gary knew it must be a thirty-pounder. His successful hookbait was half a mackerel, which he legered on a sensitive running rig.

Well done Gary!