Ian Petch 6lb 9oz Eel

ORecently, Ian Petch has been going through treatment following a previously unrelated illness, and had lost his mojo to go fishing.

But, with a break in the treatment, he decided to go for a 24-hour eel session on a water where he’s had success with the species in the past.

Setting up in hot and sticky conditions, he cast out two small roach heads and soon after was hit by an incredible thunderstorm. When darkness arrived the rain abated, and at 3am, he hooked a fish that made several good runs in the dark and wiped out his other rod. Once in the net, Ian could see it was a good fish, with his scales confirming that to be the case as the needle of this Reubens settled on 6lb 9oz. That’s a new PB for Ian’s by 2oz, and his mojo well and truly back!

Well done Ian!