Youth World Championship Result From Serbia

France win gold in the Under 23s event. England win the Under 18s category.


The Sensas England Under 18s have put in a great team effort on the Smederevo Canal in Serbia to earn themselves 35 points and team gold. They also had double cause to celebrate with George Organ winning the individual bronze medal.

France were just two points behind in silver-medal position, some way ahead of host nation Serbia on 46. Top individual over the two days was Portugal’s Joana Ramalho with 3 points and an impressive 12.127kg total weight.

France went one better in the Under 23s category to take team gold with 42 points. Just two and a half points behind were neighbours Belgium on 45, who also filled the individual silver and bronze medal positions with Koen Wackenier and Sam Pardon. Spain’s Victor Henarejos Domin claimed individual gold with a perfect 2-point score.

Under 18s Teams:

  • 1st Sensas England 35pts
  • 2nd France 37pts
  • 3rd Serbia 46pts
  • 4th Poland 46pts
  • 5th Portugal 49pts

Under 18s Individuals:

  • 1st Joana Ramalho (Portugal) 3pts
  • 2nd Nicolas Renard (France) 6pts
  • 3rd George Organ (England) 7pts

Under 23s Teams:

  • 1st France 42.5pts
  • 2nd Belgium 45pts
  • 3rd Spain 58pts
  • 4th Italy 58.5pts
  • 5th Czech Republic 65pts

Under 23s Individuals:

  • 1st Victor Henarejos Domin (Spain) 2pts
  • 2nd Koen Wackenier (Belgium) 3pts
  • 3rd Sam Pardon (Belgium) 4pts

Full Results:

Under 18s Rankings
Under 18s Rankings (280KB PDF File)
Under 23s Rankings
Under 23s Rankings (311KB PDF File)