Personal Best Chub On Paste

Jack Pells managed to get a few hours fishing after work one evening to have a session on the river targeting chub.


“With all the cold weather of late, I decided to go for the ever-faithful winter chub. Only five minutes in, I received three little taps. The rod arched over with a healthy bend and I could feel the fish shaking its head. Slowly the battle was fought higher and higher in the water until an explosion on the surface and a quick glimpse of it’s golden flank revealed that this was a decent fish. The chub slowly glided towards the safety of my waiting net and the battle was over,” explained Jack.

super-specialist-barbel-hookThe fish pulled the scales around to exactly 6lb, which was a new personal best. Cheese paste moulded around a size 8 Drennan Super Specialist Barbel proved its downfall.

The extra long point of the Drennan Super Specialist Barbel hook is immensely sharp, giving instant pen­et­ra­tion on the take, making it vir­tu­ally impossible for the fish to eject the hook once in its mouth.