Daniel Everitt’s Beautiful Itchen Salmon

Coventry angler Daniel Everitt has sent us this lovely photo of a beautiful 9lb River Itchen Salmon – landed on 5lb Drennan Supplex line!  Daniel travelled South for a couple of days fishing, but found that the high river levels made fishing a little more difficult than usual.

Even so, he landed a good number of Roach, Grayling, Chub & Trout before he hooked this stunning fish – which tested Daniel’s tackle to the absolute limit:
“The fish held deep before beginning what has to be one of the most insane and heart pounding fights I have ever had. It shot upstream zig zagging, before turning round and ploughing down the current in a run than hammered the clutch on the reel into an inaudible sound, before exiting the water shaking its head side to side! After several smaller runs across the river I was treated to the fish tail walking against the flow. The whole time this was going on I held on for dear life attempting to keep it away from every patch of streamer weed and all other weed beds it ventured near” explained Daniel.

The fish was tempted with a maggot hookbait presented on a size 14 Drennan Specimen Barbless hook in conjunction a standard Oval Blockend feeder stuffed with red maggots.  Daniel was using a John Wilson Avon Quiver rod and 5lb Supplex line.

For full details on Drennan Supplex line, click here:-http://drennantackle.com/productDetail.php?category=2&prod_id=544

And check out Daniel’s excellent personal fishing blog:-