River Thames Produces 15lb 7oz Barbel

Adrian John from Middlesex has sent a great photograph of his recent barbel capture from the River Thames.


“It has been a while since I last targeted Thames barbel, but at this time of year the Lower River Thames has a habit of throwing up a handful of very big barbel. Conditions on the Thames were almost perfect, and arrived just before daybreak to guarantee a parking space. It wasn’t long before my rod hooped over and I was into a decent fish. As the fish was nearing the net I noticed a black mark and realised it was the big fish I had previously at 12lb 15oz two years ago, but at a much bigger weight,” explained Adrian.

The barbel weighed an impressive 15lb 7oz and was a new personal best for Adrian. Over the last few years he has been lucky enough to catch numerous double figure barbel from the River Thames and is delighted to add this one to the list.

The rod used was a 12ft Martin Bowler Specialist Barbel 1.75lb rod, with a powerful semi-through action it is ideally suited to modern barbel tac­tics where the capture of a double figure fish is a real prospect.

super-specialist-barbel-hook“I have been using the Drennan Super Specialist Barbel hooks for the last couple of years and have a great deal of confidence in them. Even in the smaller sizes are razor sharp and strong. They will be my choice of hook for years to come,” he added.